What is Sculptra?
Sculptra is a biodegradable injectable filler that is made from an ingredient called Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). It is used to correct shallow to deeper facial wrinkles and folds, as well as to provide volume to the face. Sculptra can also be used to improve the appearance of scars on the skin.
What can I expect from my Sculptra appointment?
Sculptra is injected into the skin in small amounts using a fine needle. Several injections are typically given over a period of several weeks. Some bruising and swelling may occur after injection, but this should go away within a few days. Results usually begin to appear after two or three months, and may last for up to two years, making this treatment longer-lasting than other cosmetic injectables such as neuromodulators and dermal fillers.
Is Sculptra safe?
Sculptra is a safe and effective treatment for facial wrinkles and folds and has been approved by the FDA for safety and effectiveness. It is also well tolerated, with minimal side effects.
Are there any risks of complications with Sculptra injections?
As with any medical procedure, there are some risks associated with Sculptra injections. These include bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection site. In rare cases, Sculptra may cause skin irritation, itching, or burning sensations. Discussion of possible risks occurs during the initial consultation appointment when patients have the time to ask questions and learn more about the procedure before having it performed.
How do I find out if Sculptra is right for me?
If you are considering Sculptra injections and live in the area of Toronto, ON, be sure to talk to Dr. Dimitrios Motakis about the potential risks and benefits involved. He can provide a thorough evaluation and talk to you about your desired results and whether or not this treatment is appropriate for achieving these changes. Call (416) 925-5775 to request a consultation visit with our team at 199 Avenue Road.