HA Fillers in Toronto, ON

HA Fillers in Toronto ON

One of the main changes that happens with aging is volume loss and the appearance of fine line and wrinkles. Our natural supply of collagen and hyaluronic acid reduces as we age which results in facial volume loss, folds, creases and lines appearing making your skin appear tired and aged. Dermal fillers are a popular choice in minimizing these appearances.

Our Team uses dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid. Dermal fillers are a gel-like substance that is injected into the skin to lift and sculpt the face correcting wrinkles, folds and scars. We will work with patients to understand their goals and tailor a treatment plan to obtain the results they desire.


  • Smooths fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhance certain aspects of your face such as lips, chin and cheeks
  • Helps fill depleted facial features and can stimulate collagen growth
  • It can eliminate dark circles under eyes
  • Correct asymmetries and create facial balance
  • Dermal fillers provide immediate results

What To Expect

  • Treatment time: 30-45 minutes
  • Results becomes visible: Immediately
  • Results last: 6-15 months depending on the product used
  • Downtime: Usually none, low risk of small bruise


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Office Information

Office Hours

9:00AM - 5:00PM

9:00AM - 4:00PM

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