Our metabolisms naturally slow as we age, so that little tummy that used to disappear after an extra jog around the neighborhood might be sticking around longer than we’d like. If you’re ready for that beer belly or other little pocket of fat to be gone, then keep reading. Liposuction is an amazing procedure that can help you get past those last few hurdles and feel better about yourself.
Your body is adept at letting you know when it needs to rest and recover. After a Liposuction procedure, the first two or three days will need to be spent resting and letting your body heal. Setting aside some time in your schedule to focus on healing will be important. You will likely want to take a week or two off of work to allow your body to recover enough for you to feel comfortable moving normally.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so patients who rush back into their normal life might be met with frustrations and physical complications. Swelling and soreness is normal after this procedure, and may last for a few days after the treatment. Swelling can be controlled with compression garments, and they will likely need to be worn under clothing for a week or two after your procedure. These can be worn under clothing while you’re at work without drawing attention to you.
Though you may be back at work, the gym might still have to wait. We recommend that you avoid the gym for at least two to three weeks after your liposuction procedure. You may require more time to heal, so talking to your doctor will help them guide you as to the best time to go back, and how hard you will be able to work.
Call us today at (416) 925-5775 to schedule a consultation to learn more about Liposuction and if it’s a good option for you.